- CAMINOR (2015 à 2018) : Mission d’aide aux femmes en détresse en exil en France dans les camps de migrants du Nord de la France (jungle de Calais et camps de Grande Synthe), de novembre 2015 à Décembre 2018.
- CAMIFRANCE (2019 à 2022) : Prolongement de la mission CamiNor à tout le territoire national dans des “spots” régionaux, devenant CamiFrance.
- SOLISAFE (depuis 2023) : A la demande des associations d’aide aux femmes vulnérables en France, CamiFrance s’élargit à la prise en charge médico-psycho-sociale des femmes en détresse, qu’elles soient en exil ou non. Elle devient la mission Solisafe (Solidarité Santé Femmes).
Les bénévoles de la mission Solisafe interviennent au sein de différents spots en France, au profit de la santé des femmes en grande précarité, en exil ou non, hébergées ou accueillies au sein de différentes structures (CADA, accueils de jour...).
Il s'agit de professionel.le.s de la santé materno-infantile ; majoritairement des sages-femmes, mais aussi des gynécologues, médecins, infirmières, conseillères conjugales et familiales... Qui s'emploient à prendre soin des femmes sans se substituer aux établissements de santé existants.
Prendre soin consiste à :
- Faire l'interface entre les femmes exilées et les professionnels de santé des établissements de santé de proximité
- Etre "présent à leurs côtés" pour les aider et les accompagner dans leur parcours de soins
- Prendre en charge les femmes victimes de violences au niveau médical, psychologique et/ou social
- Prodiguer des soins primaires équivalents aux soins dispensés à domicile par les sages-femmes
Plusieurs formats d'interventions sont possibles, selon les besoins repérés :
- Ateliers collectifs
- Groupes de parole
- Entretiens individuels
- Consultations
- Formations des professionnel.le.s
Throughout France, volunteers are active on behalf of the NGO Gynécologie Sans Frontières (GSF) to support migrant women and women in extremely vulnerable situations.
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The mission of Solisafe
To meet the medical, psychological and social needs of exiled or extremely vulnerable women in France.
The underlying principles of our mission :
- We support local volunteer initiatives
- We do not seek to replace existing care structures
- Our focus is on « taking care »
- Our online platform facilitates the tasks of volunteers
- Our national coordination team oversees our approach
The History of Solisafe
- Caminor (from 2015 to 2018) : the association Gynécologie Sans Frontières (GSF) provides emergency humanitarian support in France, by setting up a presence in migrant camps « CAMINOR » (CAmps MIgrants du NORd) then « CAMPARIS ». Their work focused on meeting the healthcare needs of exiled women living in the North of France (Caminor) and in and around Paris (CamParis).
- Camifrance (from 2018 to 2023) : after 3 years of local missions in these regions, GSF extended its reach to meeting exiled women’s needs across France under the banner of its « CamiFrance » initiative. As with Caminor, volunteers in the CamiFrance initiative focus on « taking care » of exiled women by meeting their medical, psychological and social needs.
- Solisafe (since 2023) : following the request of other associations, CamiFrance expands its mission to medical, psychological and social care for women in distress, whether they are in exile or not. It becomes Solisafe (Solidarité Santé Femmes).
This involves providing support for :
- Pregnant women
- Victims of gender-based violence
- Gynaecological care in a humanitarian context
- Unaccompanied minors
Tasks carried out by our volunteers :
- Health promotion: Workshops or discussion groups aimed at raising the topic of sexual heatlh, genital mutilations, contraception or gender-based violence
- Medical care: Appointments to cover gynaecological, contraceptive or pregnancy-related issues for women with no healthcare cover or facing significant challenges to receive medical care
- Referrals to care structures: Referral of qualifying individuals identified by volunteers, including making appointments and accompanying them to these
- Detecting instances of gender-based violence: One-on-one interviews, encouraging people to speak up about difficult experiences orientation and support
- Supporting and training professionals: Sensitising teams in accommodation centers to issues relating to sexual mutilations including information on follow up care and gynaecological/obstretic support.
Volunteers are assisted in their day-to-day tasks by the central coordination team of SoliSafe : they have access to a dedicated platform that provides tools and information needed for their work.